Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Desert Snow????

This is a wild day. I didn't really ever think I would see my backyard covered in snow and my kids having a snowball fight!! When we first moved here, we heard that it sometimes snowed. I figured maybe every few years it would a little bit, but melt before it hit the ground. Not the case today. It's still snowing like mad, and there is twice as much now as there was in these pictures. The kids are loving it. Me too, but I wish Jeffrey was here to enjoy it with us. He will probably not be able to get home because all the roads up here are closed. Oh well- Notice Trevor's pink gloves he had to borrow from Aubrey. We aren't prepared!!!!
This is her first time playing in the snow.

Isaac was just stomping around with a big smile on his face. He lasted about 30 mins. then his hands were little fat pink ice cubes.

Ben ran around like a sled dog.


The WilsonFam said...

I posted about the snow too. And we also were not prepared, i couldnt find those stinkin gloves to save my life. They had to keep there hands in their coats. Looks like you all had lots of fun out there too!!!!

barnettblend said...

I am so jealous.. We wanted to go to Wrightwood to the snow today but didn't think we could because of the road situation.. Oh well. Next time. :)