Saturday, January 17, 2009

Butter Boy

This baby has been getting into stuff like crazy. The toilet, toothpaste, food from the fridge....endless. He climbs on t0p of the kitchen table so he can reach our jar of pencils and bites off all the erasers. We probably have 3 or 4 that the boys can use. He's such a handful, but so stinkin funny. So we weren't surprised to find him gobbling butter. He must have grabbed it off the counter and snuck into a corner of the kitchen and went to town. Of course he has to rub it in his hair too right? Nice, free entertainment for us all!!!
To be continued- for sure!!!!! :)


The WilsonFam said...

FUNNY!!!! Oh the things I have to look forward to the 3rd time around. When Devin was about that age he got into some of Ashlyns hair grease, luckily he didnt eat it, only rubbed very large amounts in his hair, i also blogged about it. They are so funny at that age, cant take your eyes off them for a second can you???

ourjoyfulljourney said...

SO FUNNY!!! I commend the moms out there in those moments when you could just yell and scream, but instead you grab the camera and laugh! I am working on being that kind of mom :)

barnettblend said...

That's hilarious.. :) Thanks for the prayers - yeah, the older boys speak English (thank the Lord) so it's been good for the little one. :)

Smith's said...

This is hilarious! My stomach hurts just looking at this one!